Simple Breathwork Practices for Stress Relief
Quick, actionable tips you can use now.
Breath awareness: the breath breathes you. Breath awareness is a mindfulness practice. It is attention training that doesn’t require doing. Sense your breathing; observe it, listen to it, witness it. How do you know you are breathing? What sensations arise? Where do the sensations arise? What moves within? What muscles are engaged?
Next become even more aware of the breath. At this point there may be a stronger awareness of incoming thoughts, feelings, sensations, physical tensions, patterns, urges, reactions or inner dialogue. These are important messages.
What’s most important is to witness these messages without judgement, resistance or desire to change anything. If and when your mind wanders just return back to the breath.
By praticing breath awareness you may naturally begin to move toward freedom, inner peace and a natural ease. Your breath is your control panel toward inner clarity and freedom.
Here is where you become more than a witness. You are an active participant. You breathe the breath. Conscious breathing means you deliberately direct, guide and regulate your breathing in some way. You creatively and actively breathe with intention. A therapeutic zone of conscious breathing is six to eight breaths per minute. Inhale for five then exhale for five. Find a concious rhythm.
Begin to make your breath a habit. Observe your breath while in a meeting, before rest, while exercising or waiting your turn in line. Breathe consciously during unknowns, stress, a new experience, a challenging task or recovery.
Flowing between breath awareness and conscious breathing will support you in mastery. Notice what occurs in your mind and body.